
Fact sheet : Global Health & the Netherlands

What is global health and why does it matter for the Netherlands? This fact sheet provides a brief outline of Dutch policymaking on global health.
Launch ceremony of the Global Health Hub, the implementing mechanism of the Dutch Global Health Strategy (September 2023).

Health challenges do not stop at borders, as shown with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is essential to adopt a global approach to health challenges, and to continue advancing Dutch policymaking efforts in this field.

In the Netherlands, the Dutch Global Health Strategy is the central piece of policymaking on the topic. Released in October 2022, the strategy is set to be discussed in Parliament on March 21st, 2024. Read our fact sheet below to get a brief overview of the strategy and its implementing arm, the Dutch Global Health Hub.

Download our fact sheet in English. 

Download onze factsheet in het Nederlands.

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